Live,Laugh & Learn
Travel, Tech, Investing
Rohit Khubchandani, a Global Nomad, shares his journey & discusses life hacks, tips & tricks around Travel, Technology & Investing. This Channel is based on a simple philosophy -
Live as if you were to die tomorrow ..
Learn as if you were to live forever...

This video is the first time ever RKbond007 unveils himself in a candid talk talking about what Live, Laugh & Learn is all about where he focuses on Travel. Tech & Investing being a Global Nomad, Technologist & a Disruptive Technology Investor.
Kaun Hoon Main?? Who am I?? Video series premiered first on 20th August 2021 giving you a sneak peak on what to expect in this series as well as asked an important question so who Really is Rohit Khubchandani ???
Join my journey full of Passion, Purpose, Magic & Miracles
40+ Countries
Global Nomad Rkbond007 has travelled to over 40+ Countries across the world
6 Continents
His travels span across 6 continents and he is still trying to see how he can make it to Antartica
Still exploring ..
His quest for travel is not over yet as he believes once a traveller always a traveler.. License to Explore. the Journey continues